12 Support Artefacts

To aid in the implementation of this specification several supporting resources are available.

12.1 Sample XML Instances

The directory located at;


  • contains a set of sample UBL Documents that can be used to verify the conformance of eInvoicing Documents.

They are identified by reference to the business rules that they check.

12.2 Schema Creation Tools

The official community information resource for UBL (OASIS UBL TC, 2013) has several open source tools that can be applied to analysing, customising and extending UBL Schema. These are located at;


12.3 Visualisation Tools

The file located at;


  • provides a HTML (web browser) interface to navigate the data structures in the Core Invoice and Response Documents.

The file located at;


  • also contains a tabular version of the mapping between the eInvoicing Semantic Model (Dig ital Business Council, 2016c) and the equivalent UBL Element.